Our Ethos
Here at Born Sloppy we have three mottos:
1.) Always smile
Fundamentally we are here to make people HAPPY. Be it through the delicious food we make or our friendly interactions with customers: we pride ourselves on both.
2.) Recycle
In an industry where there is so much waste, we are always shocked at how little care and attention is going into recycling. Time can always be used as an excuse for not recycling efficiently, but we have systems in place to accommodate recycling from the outset. Here at Born Sloppy, we have come up with a very simple way to save time and make sure everything is recycled. We have four bins: one for papers, food packaging and food waste; a second for plastics; a third for tins/cans and a final bin for waste. We are also very proud of our food wastage as we have next to none: we are very conscious of stock control, and ensure that the only waste at the end of a show/festival will be given out to friends/family or anyone wanting to take it home.
3.) Shop Local
Having started off small we understand the importance of supporting local business. We buy all our food from our local high street. This way we can guarantee the freshness and high quality of the produce we use, while supporting our fellow independent businesses. We love knowing that our hard-earned cash is going to the friends on our doorsteps rather than larger corporations. We are building a very special relationship with the businesses we use and hope that as we grow they will grow with us.